We just finished a fun unit on Sound and Light. The first part of the project focused on sound. The learning goal of the sound unit was for students to be able to identify sound sources, explain the difference between volume and pitch, and understand that sound travels from the source to the receiver.
First, students practiced identifying sound sources. They took turns with a partner to drop objects and identify what object (i.e. coin, pencil, ball, etc.) made that sound.
First, students practiced identifying sound sources. They took turns with a partner to drop objects and identify what object (i.e. coin, pencil, ball, etc.) made that sound.
Next, we practiced making sounds and changing the volume and the pitch. We learned that the longer the tube or string, the lower the pitch. We also learned that the harder we tap the tube or pluck the string, the louder the volume will be.
Last, we learned about how sound travels from the sound source to the sound receiver. We made spoon gongs and played telephone.

The second part of our unit focused on light. The learning goal of this portion of the unit was to identify how shadows are made. Students were given flashlights and a variety of objects and given the task to make a shadow. They really enjoyed making different shadows. They learned that shadows are made when an object is placed in front of a light source.
The students learned so much in this unit! It was a lot of fun to teach, too!